How to Keep It Dry “Down There” in the Summer

How to Keep It Dry “Down There” in the Summer

Sweat. Glow. Shine. Perspiration. Whatever you want to call it, every woman has had to combat that dreaded swampy feeling in the summer.

You’ve likely dealt with it all: pit stains, damp sports bras, and makeup that doesn’t last past lunch—but as the days get longer (and so much hotter), you may find yourself combating sweat around your lady bits, too.

Sweating is your body’s way of cooling itself down. It’s normal to sweat whenever you are hot. It doesn’t matter if you are working out, sitting in a hot car, or just wearing too many layers.

Certain areas of your body, such as your armpits, are more prone to sweating than others. This is usually due to a high concentration of sweat glands and hair follicles in one place.

The groin is an area of the body that behaves much like the armpits: it’s hairy, warm, and full of sweat glands and bacteria. We have two main types of sweat glands: apocrine and eccrine. Eccrine glands produce the moisture. Apocrine glands produce the grim smell.

Depending on which gland is more dominant in which area, you’ll be able to produce odorless sweat or not.

Vagina sweat kicks in after a tough workout, on a humid day, or while sitting for long periods in a warm seat at work. It can be embarrassing (sweat spots on the crotch of your yoga pants, ugh) and set you up for itching and infections.

Vaginal sweat or crotch sweat generally creates an ideal environment for the microorganisms to thrive, and overgrowth of these microbes or bad bacteria in the vagina can ultimately lead to bacterial vaginosis, vaginal yeast infections, vaginal bumps, etc.

Dealing with and preventing odor is one thing, however, making sure that your groin area remains dry, is very much essential in order to avoid yeast infections.

The right fabrics

Anything tight in the crotch area is going to raise the temperature down there. When your skin rubs up against the fabric, it causes friction, and friction builds heat.

When that heat gets trapped under tight clothes, you’re going to get sweaty. Loose, flowing pants will prevent friction and allow air to flow through.

One of the most important causes of vaginal sweat or crotch sweat can be poor quality panties you wear.

Wearing breathable panties, and avoiding suffocating or tight panties, changing out of sweaty clothes after workouts, avoiding wearing panty liners regularly, etc. can be good, as these trap sweat and odors and also may contribute to the annoying vaginal symptoms, especially those made with synthetic top material, fragranced and unbreathable. It is good that you wear airy, lightweight innerwear and change your underwear when they get really sweaty. Choose natural fabrics like cotton, bamboo, rayon, modal, tencel for your panties, your vagina will thank you!

Choose organic hygiene products for your period: organic cotton tampons, natural, breathable pads, but the best menstrual product for the summer is menstrual cup. You can also choose period panties, and wear it without any back up on your lightest days. 

Hair removal

Pubic hair serves a purpose. It reduces friction from tight clothing and works to wick sweat away from your skin. Hair also traps bacteria against your skin. In the vaginal area, that is both a good thing and a bad thing. You need your good vaginal bacteria to prevent an overgrowth of yeast, but when bacteria mix with the sweat and oil on your pubic hair, it can produce a smell.

If you sweat a lot in the vaginal area, try going for a healthy medium.

Gynecologists often recommend a nice trim. Minimize your risk of cuts with a pair of dog grooming scissors, which feature a rounded safety tip. Or go for a specialized electric trimmer. If you have the money, waxing and laser treatments are also an option.

Balanced diet

A healthy diet helps you in getting rid of vaginal sweat or crotch sweat and also aids in fighting against vaginal pimples and bumps.

On hot days, cut down sugar, alcohol and spicy foods, as the breakdown of such foods elevates body heat. Eat a balanced diet, including more fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains.

Try to increase the water intake to 8 to 12 glasses of water per day. And for further help, reduce the salt intake in your meals.

You can try out some herbal remedies or herbal teas to stop vaginal sweat or crotch sweat. Make a tea with St. John’s wort by steeping 1 tablespoon of dried St. John's wort or sage in a cup of hot water for at least five minutes and add one tablespoon of honey and a wedge of lemon to it.

Drink this herbal tea two times in a day and feel the difference in a week or two. You may notice a reduction in sweat in some days.

I don't know if you have noticed, but sports reduce smelly sweat. When we exercise or regularly sweat in sauna, our bodies release toxins that have accumulated in them. The less toxins we have in our body, the less our sweat will smell.

Excessive vaginal sweating can usually be managed with a combination of home remedies and lifestyle changes. If these measures aren’t working, you could have a condition called hyperhidrosis. See your doctor if the sweating is persistent or you notice an unusual odor.

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